GET an Elevation Certificate in West Palm

What company to use for an Elevation Certificate in West Palm Beach Florida? This is a question that almost all home owners ask. There are hundreds of companies in West Palm Beach, Florida to choose from on the internet. If you Google Elevation Certificate West Palm Beach Florida, about 16,000,000 options appear. It is a very competitive search term. All companies claim to be the best and all claim to have years of experience.  So how do you make a decision?

Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing an Elevation Certificate Company in West Palm Beach

The first mistake that most people in West Palm Beach make when choosing a company is,  they take the advice of their insurance professional.  Experts say that is not a good way.  The insurance professional makes money when the sale of insurance is made. The Elevation Certificate company you should use in West Palm Beach, Florida should not have anything to do with your insurance company professional.

Another Mistake to Avoid 

Second mistake that people make when looking for a company in West Palm Beach, Florida  is not properly vetting their company . How long have they been doing Elevation Certificates?  This is easy to verify. Go to the Board of Professional Land Surveyors of Florida  and verify that your Elevation Certificate company is licensed and how long have they been in business.  For example Florida Building & Land Surveying has been in business for over 15 years serving all of Florida.

Experience and Knowledge

When you are looking for an Elevation Certificate company in the Palm Beaches, or anywhere in Florida make sure that your company is Licensed and Insured for your peace of mind and protection. Florida Building & land Surveying has been in business over 25 years in Florida.

For more information on Florida Building & Land Surveying  CLICK HERE .